Light & Shadow

Damaged Film
A series of composite digital images created from scanned black and white 4x5 film that was water damaged before processing. The negatives were exposed on a summer road trip to the Big Bend region of Texas but were accidentally soaked in a cooler where they were stored to protect them from the heat.

Textured Orbits
Composite photographs of decaying painted surfaces, with overlays of the same repeated light distortion photograph. An exploration of texture and composition.

Imagine I said something pretentious about French architecture, like "This body of work explores a new perspective on Gallo-Roman design." Or some other statement to make pictures I took on vacation in France sound more grandiose.

Static Vapor Distortions
A series of digital photographs taken of the world through a distorted "lens" of sort created by the artist. The photographs are minimally manipulated to enhance color and contrast.

Vulgar Nature
Mother nature needs to be more modest. Think of the children. This series was created for a prompt on "censorship." I have always found it ridiculous how American society is terrified of children seeing healthy human bodies, but has little care if the kids see those same human bodies violently murdered and dismembered.




Trail markers have a really striking visual impact when you stop to really take in the detail.


AKA Treeskin. The fascinating textures and anomalies on treebark or just under it are best viewed in black and white.

Land or city, here they are.

An ongoing photographic series exploring compositions and texture within the details of man-made surfaces in the process of decay. There is beauty to be found in the ways nature reclaims the things we make.